Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review (가족자원경영과 정책)
- Volume 13 Issue 2
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- Pages.1-21
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- 2009
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
Factors Affecting the Family Life's Values in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area
가정생활관에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구 - 서울.경기 지역을 중심으로 -
Kim, Yang-Hee
(Dept. of Family Welfare, Chung-Ang Univ.) ;
- Kim, Hyo-Min (Major in Family Welfare, Graduate School, Chung-Ang University)
- Published : 2009.05.31
The purpose of this study is to provide further direction to the culture program at the healthy family center by analyzinge its different concepts of family living culture, which is based on changes in the family values of an individual. This research was conducted on residents in the area of Seoul and Kung-gi from March 1, 2007 to March 30, 2007. The survey was distributed to 300 people, and 186 surveys were collected. Among those 186 surveyed, 179 were finally analyzed. Findings from the survey are as follows: First, age, gender, and marital status show differences in familism, consciousness of men's and women's equality, and recognition of family cultural ritual. As to planning the healthy family culture program, the program participants' age, gender, and marital status should be considered to successfully plan and operate the program. Second, regarding the view of family life from three aspects including the degree of recognition of family cultural ritual, familism, and the consciousness of men's and women's equality, all three variables show differences in the view of family life. Therefore, it will be highly effective to organize two separate groups: one presents lower recognition of family cultural ritual and family-based values, and another possesses a higher sense of equality. Third, the result of reviewing relative effectiveness to the proper family life value, wedding, consciousness of parents respect(=filial piety), and sacrificial rituals, funeral rites were founded to highly effective to family living view. Therefore, it will be highly effective to include these topics, when the family cultural living program is planned.