최근에 간척 조성된 화옹, 이원 및 영산강간척지에서 밭작물재배가능성을 검토하기 위하여 2007~2008년 2년간 간척지의 염농도변이와 녹비 사료작물의 생육과의 관계를 시험연구하였다. 토양염농도는 여름철 호우시 배수불량에 의한 침수피해가 심하였든 영산강간척지와 화옹간척지에서는 시험작물의 생육에 유의적 영향을 보이지 않았으나 침수피해가 없었든 이원간척지는 염농도가 증가함에 따라 작물생육과 수량은 로그함수적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 가장 큰 초장에 대한 대비 50% 이상 생육저해를 나타내는 표토염농도는 콩 $5dS\;m^{-1}$, 옥수수 $6dS\;m^{-1}$, 수단그리스, 피 및 세스바니아는 $7dS\;m^{-1}$ 정도로 추정되었고, 이 저해농도에서의 녹비수량의 감수율은 최고수량대비 26~44%수준으로 염농도에 대한 수량감수피해가 초장단축저해보다 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 시험작물의 건물수량 $kg\;10a^{-1}$)은 장소에 따라 변이가 매우 커서 잘 된 장소가 수단그라스 2,426, 제주재래피 907, 세스바니아 1,881, 옥수수 2,032, 콩 924정도로 높은 편이지만 염농도가 높고 침수나 습해를 입은 장소는 전혀 수확이 없는 개무 상태였다. 상대적으로 염농도가 낮은 영산강과 배수가 좋은 이원간척지는 비교적 수량이 많았으나 화옹간척지는 염농도도 높고 배수도 불량하여 매우 낮은 수준이었다.
Relation between soil salinity and forage yield of five upland crops such as sudan grass, sesbania, barnyard grass, corn and soybean was studied in the three reclaimed lands of Korea during two years from 2007 to 2008. Although plant number emerged was obtained satisfactory by desalting treatment, further growth of crops was sharply affected by re-salting process according to soil drying. Soil salinity varied place by place and changed constantly, crop growth was differently responded to soil salinity according to the specific conditions of the reclaimed lands. In the Iweon reclaimed land with higher soil water conductivity and sandy soil texture, crop growth and yield sharply decrease with increase of soil salinity. Relation between soil salinity and crop growth and yield was well expressed as logarithmic function. Surface soil EC to reach at 50% of growth reduction to the tallest height of crops was $5dS\;m^{-1}$ for soybean, $6dS\;m^{-1}$ for corn and $7dS\;m^{-1}$ for sudan grass, sesbania, and barnyard grass by logarithmic function. In the Hwaong and Yeongsangang reclaimed lands with low soil conductivity and finer soil texture, plant growth response to salt stress was statistically vague by mixing of harmful influence from flooding and wet injury. However, it is observed that crop growth and yield on the place of lower salinity was better than crop growth on the place of higher salinity. It is accordingly concluded that flooding control during summer rainy season is vary important as well as desalting process for good growth of soiling and forage crops in the newly reclaimed land from tidal flat.