Toward the Application of a Critical-Chain-Project-Management-based Framework on Max-plus Linear Systems

  • Takahashi, Hirotaka (Department of Management and Information Systems Science, Nagaoka University of Technology) ;
  • Goto, Hiroyuki (Department of Management and Information Systems Science, Nagaoka University of Technology) ;
  • Kasahara, Munenori (Faculty of Management and Information Systems Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2009.03.27
  • 심사 : 2009.06.08
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


We focus on discrete event systems with a structure of parallel processing, synchronization, and no-concurrency. We use max-plus algebra, which is an effective approach for controller design for this type of system, for modeling and formulation. Since a typical feature of this type of system is that the initial schedule is frequently changed due to unpredictable disturbances, we use a simple model and numerical examples to examine the possibility of applying the concepts of the feeding buffer and the project buffer of critical chain project management (CCPM) on max-plus linear discrete event systems in order to control the occurrence of an undesirable state change. The application of a CCPM-based framework on a max-plus linear discrete event system was proven to be effective.



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