한국 전통 탈의 조형성을 활용한 분장 디자인 - 거리 공연 '오늘 같은 날'을 중심으로 -

Make-up Design that Incorporates the Features of Traditional Korean Masks - Focusing on the Road Performance 'Day like Today' -

  • 이정민 (서경대학교 미용패션학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.05.28


Performance art is an integrated genre of different art areas, and make-up is a visual art area to give lively effects to the performance art, which makes actors and actresses changed into the characters of plays. It can be said to be a kind of deliverer of idea to help effectively understand the contents of the performance. When we are in the world abundant in various cultures and innumerable styles of expression of different countries, we should rediscover the value of the beauty of our traditional masks that have represented the emotion and thought of Han nation, which we can find in play culture of our ancestors that has kept our ancestors' value system. That's the way we can get continuous life force and competitive power of our traditional culture. The Korean traditional masks haven't only been for the prevention of bad luck and the prayer of fortune, but also well expressed Korean people's looks, features and personalities according to the roles. They are excellent artistic works in themselves, and many studies have been performed on the analyses and uses of the features of the masks in various fields due to their good expression of different cultural aspects, while the studies in the light of make-up are rarely performed. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the features of the Korean traditional masks and, by using this analysis, to present effective make-up designs in outdoor performances through a stage performance. In addition, this article also tries to present the orientation of make-up as an expression of artistic image, and to expand the expression area of make-up by using the Korean traditional masks in the light of make-up. For this purpose, I examined the related literature and the precedent study materials to find the origin and kinds of the Korean traditional masks, and analyzed the features of the masks. Furthermore, I established the make-up design plan using the material features of the Korean traditional masks by analyzing the characters in actual performance works, and presented the photos of works actually performed.



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