A Study On Compositions and Dosages of Yukmijihwang-Hwan by Literature Review on the classics of Oriental Medicine

육미지황환(六味地黃丸)의 처방 구성 및 용량 용법에 관한 문헌 연구

  • Published : 2009.06.30


Objectives : The result is the followings after investingating composition, dosage and usage of Yukmijihwang-Hwan(六味地黃丸) in literature by country and Era. Methods : Investigated Classics of Oriental Medicine that Yukmijihwang-Hwan is first described. Results : Found 42 literatures searching Yukmijihwang-Hwan in Classics of Oriental Medicine. Literature that Yukmijihwang-Hwan is recorded by first was Yinhaijingwei(銀海精微), but capacity has not recorded. Yukmijihwang-Hwan Medicinal Decoction that eat(Yukmijihwang-Tang: 5 times) as pill than eat(Yukmijihwang-Hwan: 37 times) was more. Literature that composition of Yukmijihwang-Hwan is recorded by Rehmannia glutinosa(熟地黃) is 8 Ryang(兩), Poria cocos(白茯苓) is 3 Ryang, Paeonia suffruticosa(牧丹皮) is 3 Ryang, Alisma Canaliculatum (澤瀉) 3 Ryang, Cornus officinalis(山茱萸) 4 Ryang, Dioscorea batatus(山藥) 4 Ryang was most. Conclusions : Yukmijihwang-Hwan wat difference in composition and capacity that Chinese and Korean Classics of Oriental Medicine. After Dongeuibogam of the Korea is published, composition and capacity are connected until today.



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