On the Complex-Valued Recursive Least Squares Escalator Algorithm with Reduced Computational Complexity

  • 김남용 (강원대학교 공학대학 정보통신공학과)
  • Published : 2009.05.31


In this paper, a complex-valued recursive least squares escalator filter algorithm with reduced computational complexity for complex-valued signal processing applications is presented. The local tap weight of RLS-ESC algorithm is updated by incrementing its old value by an amount equal to the local estimation error times the local gain scalar, and for the gain scalar, the local input autocorrelation is calculated at the previous time. By deriving a new gain scalar that can be calculated by using the current local input autocorrelation, reduced computational complexity is accomplished. Compared with the computational complexity of the complex-valued version of RLS-ESC algorithm, the computational complexity of the proposed method can be reduced by 50% without performance degradation. The reduced computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is even less than that of the LMS-ESC. Simulation results for complex channel equalization in 64QAM modulation schemes demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has superior convergence and constellation performance.



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