The $Nd_{1+x}Ba_{2-x}Cu_3O_{7-{\delta}}$(Nd123) superconductor exhibits high performance in high magnetic field and high temperature. We have studied phase stability for Nd123 under reduced oxygen partial pressure and various heat-treatment conditions. The main phase is Nd123 and some samples contain small amounts of Nd422 depending on the temperature and oxygen partial pressure. The decomposition temperature decreases with decreasing oxygen partial pressure from $1052^{\circ}C(P(O_2)$=150 Torr) to about $845^{\circ}C(P(O_2)$=0.1 Torr). The liquidus line was steeper temperature with decreasing oxygen partial pressure. In same condition of oxygen partial pressure, the region of stable Nd123 phase was formed at slightly higher temperature than the region of stable YBCO phase.