과소화유형에 따른 농촌사회 정주수요 분석

Determinants of Demand for Residential Settlement in Rural Society Based on Depopulation Classification

  • 이희찬 (세종대학교 호텔관광대학) ;
  • 김현 (한국해양수산개발원)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The objective of this research was to analyze the determinants of demand for residential settlements in rural societies. A significant aspect of the demand analysis was to consider depopulation classification as a moderating variable with a view to its role as an essential dividing factor of socioeconomic characteristics and physical environments of the areas of concern. The data collection for analysis was divided according to types of depopulation into the three categories of less developed, stagnated, and developed areas. For the cause and effect analysis between the residential demand and factors of settlement, the ordered probit model was applied. Significant determinants of settlement demand unfolded according to depopulation types. In the case of less developed areas, residential demand was affected significantly by the factors of daily life convenience and public facilities. Key settlement demand determinants of stagnated regions included the aspects of basic natural environment, daily life convenience and education. Meanwhile, key settlement demand determinants for developed areas included education and agriculture economic aspects. The importance-performance analysis was also applied to a set of settlement characteristics of rural communities to figure out the settlement factors requiring urgent endeavor to improve.



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