건축문화재 기록의 특성과 관리 방안 연구

A Study on Characteristics and Management of Records of Architectural Cultural Properties

  • 강수나 (명지대 기록정보과학전문대학원) ;
  • 김익한 (명지대 기록정보과학전문대학원)
  • 발행 : 2009.01.30


건축문화재 기록은 건축문화재 관리 업무의 과정과 결과로 만들어지며, 문화재청 및 지방자치단체 그리고 문화재수리업자와 같은 복수의 주체가 동일 문화재의 관리 업무를 각각 담당한다. 또한 업무의 특성상 설계도면 등의 특수한 성격의 기록과 다수의 사진, 동영상 기록 등을 포함하므로, 건축문화재에 대한 관리 업무의 절차와 그 기록의 특수성을 파악하는 것이 전제되어야 하고, 이에 따라 생산되고 관리되어야만 건축문화재 기록의 가치를 상실하지 않게 된다. 본 연구는 건축문화재 관리 업무 현장의 현실에 맞는 기록관리의 방법을 제안하고, 건축문화재 기록을 효율적으로 관리하고 차후에 활용하기 위해 지정문화재와 등록문화재를 대상으로 하여 건축문화재 관리업무 및 생성 기록의 특성을 파악함과 동시에 이러한 특성에 맞는 통합적이고도 과학적인 기록관리의 방안을 제안하는 것이 목표이다. 연구결과 건축문화재 기록의 관리에 있어서 가장 큰 문제점은 기관별로 분산되어 있는 관리체계이다. 이에 기록 생산 기관인 문화재청, 지방자치단체, 문화재수리업자 각각이 기록을 분산 관리하되 통일된 시스템에 기록을 등록 관리하는 네트워킹 체계를 구축하는 방안과 전문 시설과 인력을 갖춘 전문적인 기록물 관리기관으로서의 건축문화재 전문 아카이브즈를 만들어 이를 통해 기록들을 통합 관리하는 방안을 제안한다.

Records of architectural cultural properties, in case of accidents, show who are to blame, present what evidences are to establish the cause, and also are used for checking if there were any problem in policies and regulations in preserving and caring architectural cultural properties. These records are of great importance in their roles and are of essential use regardless of time and space. Considering its significance, In that architectural cultural properties requires setting clear goals and directions and as well, criteria, for management, we need methods of systematical control and consideration for its characteristics. This research started with the sense of purpose that managing architectural cultural properties are in need of systematic and concrete control, based on the perception that they need protecting and transmitting. The goal of this thesis is to work on the current archiving status of architectural cultural properties by monitoring patterns and processes in archival administration, to diagnose problems by looking into the records creation and management, and to present the improvement plan which would lead to the architectural cultural properties' more efficient management and better use in the future. The management of architectural cultural properties begins with registering and assigning. Cultural Heritage Administration is in charge of control, supervision, and budget and local governments deal with direct management. Accordingly, records are by the hands of each local governmental body. Currently, each cultural property has its management depending on every different working environment in each governmental body. Architectural cultural properties needs managing in one body through the synthetic and unified, concrete and systematic manual and guide for management. Archiving architectural cultural properties have need of unitive management through a professional system, considering the physical characteristics and history of archiving. Unified management system will enhance efficiency and actual use of architectural cultural property records if one governmental body undertakes uniting records through standardization and professional supervision, and data-based unified search engine would enhance efficiency and actual use. Therefore, I suggest that Archives for Architectural Cultural Properties should be established as a professional Archives and wholly responsible body for the purpose of systematically and unifiedly managing architectural cultural property records with professional personnel and facility and transmitting their historical, cultural, and academic value. In Korea, studies up to the present have mainly focused on managing architectural records and records of drawing while few efforts were made to directly deal with managing architectural cultural properties themselves. The focus of this thesis is to study the current status and establish problems of the management of architectural cultural properties in administrative process, and as a result, to propose to establish Archives for Architectural Cultural Properties as a professional archives.
