사양 기반 플랜트 설계 시스템에서 생성된 원자력 플랜트 설계 데이터의 중립 모델로의 통합 변환

An Integrated Translation of Nuclear Power Plant Design Data ftom Specification-driven Plant Design Systems to a Neutral Product Model

  • 문두환 (한국해양연구원) ;
  • 양정삼 (아주대학교 산업정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 한순흥 (한국과학기술원 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


It gradually becomes important to study on how to efficiently integrate and manage plant lifecycle data such as 2D schematic and 3D solid data, logical configuration data, and equipment specifications data. From this point of view, converting plant design data from various systems into neutral data independent from any commercial systems is one of important technologies for the operation and management of plants which usually have a very long period of life. In order to achieve this goal, a neutral model for efficient integration and management of plant data was defined. After schema mapping between one of specification-driven plant design systems and the neutral model was performed, a plant data translator is also implemented according to the mapping result. Finally, by experiments with nuclear power plant design, the feasibility of the translator was demonstrated.



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