수학의 교수학적 내용 지식(PCK)에 대한 연구의 메타적 검토

A Meta Review of the Researches on PCK in Mathematics

  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


Considering the fact that PCK(pedogogical content knowledge) tends to guarantee the identity of mathematics education as a discipline and the teacher professionalism, PCK is one of the core concepts in the research on subject matter education. The purpose of this study is to review domestic and international researches on the definition and the components of PCK in mathematics. Based on the review, this study identified 3 knowledges which consist PCK; knowedge of mathematic content, knowledge of learner's understanding, and knowledge of teaching. Then this study provided some examples of PKC in the topic, the limit of sequences, and introduced the LMT and TEDS-M items, which were designed to measure the teacher's PCK. Lastly, this study attempted to evaluate the items on mathematics education included in the Teacher Employment Test administered for pre-service/. teachers in Korea based on PCK.



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