중학생의 외상응급처치 교육에 대한 효과

The Effects of injury treatment education on middle school students

  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


Purpose : This study was aimed to investigate the effect of knowledge and competence of first aid treatment among middle school students after the education on the injury treatment. Methods : The study design was randomized pretest and post-test control group nonsynchronized design. Study subjects were 32 3rd-grade students of Y middle school in P city and 34 3rd-grade students of M middle school in P city in this research. Among two 3rd-grade classes, one classes were randomly assigned to experimental group (32 students) and two were control group (34 students). The intervention for experimental group was providing five-time 45-minute injury treatment education. Results : 1. The First hypothesis : After intervention on the injury treatment education, knowledge of injury treatment in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(t=-6.480, p<.001). 2. The Second hypothesis : After intervention on the injury treatment education, competence of injury treatment in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(t=-15.121, p<.001). Conclusion : These findings suggest that the injury treatment education can facilitate knowledge of injury treatment, competence of injury treatment in the middle school student. Therefore, it is considered that the injury treatment education can be utilized as a effective way to implement the 7th nation curriculum.



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