우리나라 중.고등학생의 자살 생각 관련요인 분석

The Analysis on Factors related to Suicide Ideation of Middle and High School Students in Korea

  • Kwak, Su-Jin (National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency) ;
  • Yi, Yun-Jeong (College of Nursing, Seoul National University) ;
  • Jung, Hye-Sun (College of Medicine The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


Purpose: By analyzing factors related to suicide ideation of Korean middle and high school students, the purpose of this study was to multi-dimensionally understand suicide ideation of Korean middle and high school students and arrange the plans to prevent suicide. Methods: This study used and analyzed the data on ‘The 3rd (Year2007) Korea Youth Health Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYHRBWS)' conducted by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this study, we analyzed 74,698 respondents in total. SPSS 12.0 Program was used to analyze the survey. Descriptive statistics, Chi-Square Test and multivariate logistic regression were also used as research methods. Results: 23.8% of the Korean middle and high school students had suicide ideation during the last one year. Girls had higher possibility of suicide ideation by 1.51 times compared to boys. Students with poor academic achievement had more suicide ideation. In terms of health characteristics, students who perceived themselves as not healthy, and students with short weekday sleeping hours, more drinking experience and more smoking experience had more suicide ideation than others. Furthermore, students who perceived themselves as overweight or obese had more suicide ideation than other students. In terms of mental characteristics, students with high level of stress, low level of happiness and depression had more suicide ideation. Conclusion: As a result of this study, we found out that the factor that had the biggest influence on suicide ideation of Korean middle and high school students was depression. Consequently, active supports and policies to decrease suicide ideation of Korean middle and high school students are necessary. Therefore, active interviews, education for suicide prevention, and periodical screening inspection should be introduced in schools.



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