Brain activation pattern and functional connectivity network during classification on the living organisms

  • Published : 2009.11.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate brain activation pattern and functional connectivity network during classification on the biological phenomena. Twenty six right-handed healthy science teachers volunteered to be in the present study. To investigate participants' brain activities during the tasks, 3.0T fMRI system with the block experimental-design was used to measure BOLD signals of their brain. According to the analyzed data, superior, middle and inferior frontal gyrus, superior and inferior parietal lobule, fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, and bilateral cerebellum were significantly activated during participants' carrying-out classification. The network model was consisting of six nodes (ROIs) and its fourteen connections. These results suggested the notion that the activation and connections of these regions mean that classification is consist of two sub-network systems (top-down and bottom-up related) and it functioning reciprocally. These results enable the examination of the scientific classification process from the cognitive neuroscience perspective, and may be used as basic materials for developing a teaching-learning program for scientific classification such as brain-based science education curriculum in the science classrooms.



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