골밀도 검사를 받은 여대생의 골건강증진행위변화에 영향을 미치는 요인

The Influencing Factors of the Bone Health Promoting Behavioral Change after the Bone Mineral Density Test in College Women

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether college women would change their exercise and milk intake behavior after the bone mineral density (BMD) test, and to understand the influencing factors in the exercise & milk intake behavioral change. Method: A questionnaire survey which assesses the exercise and m ilk intake behavior was carried out to the 194 college women from June, 2007 to August, 2007, then they had BMD test in the distal radius site. One year later, 146 women have done a similar questionnaire including osteoporosis know ledge, osteoporosis self efficacy, exercise and milk efficacy, and their health belief. Results: The group that had begun regular exercises after the BMD test showed the lowest level of BMD and exercise barrier. And the other group that had been taking exercises before the test, showed the highest osteoporosis self efficacy, exercise efficacy and osteoporosis sensitivity. As for the behavioral change related to milk intake, only the group that had started to intake a cup of milk a day showed the lowest BMD. Conclusion: This study shows that the BMD testing can induce the behavioral change of exercise and milk intake in college women.



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