한식당 세계화를 위한 성공모델로서의 일식당 실내공간과 음식관련요소의 특성 연구 - 홍콩 소재 일식당 대상 -

A Study on Characteristics of Indoor space and Food related of Japanese restaurant as successful model for globalizing Korean restaurants - Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong -

  • 이지현 (경희대학교 주거환경학) ;
  • 오혜경 (경희대학교 주거환경학)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


The present study is a basic research for promoting the globalization of Korean food, aiming to analyze Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong, an international city successful in globalization, focused on their spatial characteristics and food related characteristics and to use the results as basic materials. The results of this study are as follows. As to the characteristics of indoor spaces and food of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong, first, the locations of Japanese restaurants were mostly easily accessible luxury hotels, office buildings or shopping malls. They displayed Japanese styles well and used conspicuous signs. Their trade names were given after traditional place names, food names, greetings, etc. Second, the spaces of Japanese restaurants expressed contemporary and, at the same time, traditional styles moderately and elegantly by applying emphatic articles such as traditional furniture, tools and folk paintings to contemporary spaces with traditional air, and by doing so, they showed various possibilities. Third, as to the characteristics of food culture, menus were diversified from traditional menus such as kaiseki to everyday menus such as vinegared rice, ramen, skewered roast meat and fusion dish, and at the same time, differentiated by concept. In addition, some restaurants succeeded in globalization and modernization with chains throughout the world. Furthermore, while table setting, food dishing and tableware image were harmonized with the concept of the restaurant space, if tradition needed to be displayed it was used at a minimum, showing the Japanese aesthetic sense through the restaurant space and food. In globalizing Korean restaurants based on the results of this study, we need to link trade name, facade, sign, menu and space with served food, and to plan a consistent story so that Korean culture and images are expressed. In addition, if a manual is made by benchmarking the Japanese government's support policies and relevant businesses' efforts and ideas and provided to Korean restaurants, it will be helpful for Korean restaurants, which spread Korean food culture, to be more competitive and graceful.



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