한부모가족 중학생의 자기효능감과 사회성 향상을 위한 집단미술치료 프로그램의 효과성

The Effect of Group Art Therapy Program on Self-efficacy and Sociality of Middle School Students from Single-parent Families

  • 발행 : 2009.02.27


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of group art therapy on the self-efficacy and sociality of middle school students from single-parent families. The major results of this study were as follows: First, it was revealed that the activities of group art therapy were effective in making the self-efficacy of students from single-parent families higher by expressing their thought, and feelings better and having more confidence in themselves. Second, it was revealed that the activities of group art therapy were effective in improving the sociality of students from single-parent families by showing better performance in relationship with peers. Third, it was revealed that the activities of group art therapy had an effect on students' affirmative feelings according to each stage. That is, the students' feelings became more affirmative after this art therapy activities. Fourth, this study proved that K-HTP was effective in improving the self-efficacy and sociality of middle school students from single-parent families Fifth, this study proved that KFD was effective to improve the self-efficacy and sociality of middle school students from single-parent families. In conclusion, the Group Art Therapy had the effect on improving the self-efficacy and sociality of students from single-parent families.



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