Iconological Analysis on Woman and Clothes of Richard Avedon's and Cindy Sherman's Photography

Richard Avedon과 Cindy Sherman 사진에 표현된 여성과 복식에 대한 도상학적 해석

  • Yun, Ji-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2009.01.31


This study is about the iconological analysis on woman and clothes of Richard Avedon's and Cindy Sherman's constructed photographies which have questioned about life and existence of woman and present new visions about woman in comtemporary society and culture. The woman in R. Avedon's disguises herself with clothes, while the woman in C. Sherman's changes herself depending on the circumstances. R. Avedon reveals the inside of woman and ego with his gaze. The woman in his photography is reborn as another-self and communicates with the viewer through her eyes. C. Sherman has cast doubts with a woman's point of view in the way of making herself as an object in her works. C. Sherman has presented a new way of thinking about woman's body and ego. The viewer gives feminity and identity to the woman in C. Sherman's photography who has kept asking a question about woman-herself. The identity of woman in the photography has been changed depending on what she is wearing, what she is doing and where she is. Like this, the clothes which she puts on becomes another-self and also expresses life and dignity of the woman.



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