The Development of Patterns of Jeogori to Enhance the Fit - With a Focus on Women in their 20s and 30s -

착용감 개선을 위안 여자 저고리 패턴개발 - 20,30대를 중심으로 -

  • 강경희 (안양과학대학 패션스타일리스트) ;
  • 최정욱 (경희대학교 예술디자인대학 의류디자인)
  • Published : 2009.01.31


Jeogori, Korean jacket, can be categorized into two styles. Traditional style Jeogori is based on conventional construction method for ceremonial or festive occasions. Contemporary casual style Jeogori is based on western style flat pattern making for better fitting and functionality. Traditional style Jeogori is quite flat on human body because it is not considered the grade of shoulder line and is drawn by vertical & horizontal line. This characteristic feature causes weakness in functionality and comfort compared to contemporary casual style. Apparently contemporary casual style has better wearing comfort. Yet to most Koreans, contemporary style Jeogori seems to lack of some characteristic style of its own. This study is to find out how to make Jeogori well balanced in terms of functionality, fit, comfort and traditional style. Currently used Jeogori patterns are compared in order to select the best among them. Onto the selected pattern, several alterations were tried focused on shoulder, armhole and sleeve lines to make optimal modifications. After several comparative fitting tests, the final pattern making method was suggested.



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