A Study on the Correlation between Pulse Energy and Sasang Constitutional Syndromes

맥 Energy와 사상체질병증의 연계 연구

  • Kim, Dal-Rae (Dept. of Sasang constitutional medicine, East-west neo medical center, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Sun-Hyung (Dept. of Sasang constitutional medicine, East-west neo medical center, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김달래 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 사상체질과) ;
  • 김선형 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 사상체질과)
  • Published : 2009.01.30


Objectives: Pulse energy values recorded with an add-pres sure-type pulse apparatus were correlated with Sasang constitutional syndromes in order to match pulse energy values with Sasang prescriptions. Methods: The pulse energy values were measured with Daeyo Pulse Apparatus at the Gwan pulse point of both wrists. Prescriptions were divided into two major categories of interior syndromes or exterior syndromes, and categorized according to major component herbs specific to each of the four Sasang constitutions, and the relationship between the pulse energy and each groups divided by their prescription was studied. Results: About 10% of all people had nonmal pulse energy values. 10% had values over normal range, and $70\sim80%$ had lower values than normal. The normal range of pulse energy was regarded as being between 450 and 700. Conclusions: 1. For patients of the Soeum constitution, prescriptions without Panax ginseng is suitable for patients with high pulse energy, and prescriptions containing Panax ginseng are suitable for patients who have lower pulse energy. 2. All prescriptions for the Soyang constitution containing Rehmannia radix preparata or Comus officinalis are suitable for patients who have lower pulse energy, and prescriptions containing Rehmannia radix or Gypsum fibrosum are applicable to patients with pulse energy values higher than normal. 3. Most prescriptions for the Taeum constitution containing Semen coicis or Semen castaneae are suitable for patients with lower pulse energy, and prescriptions containing Radix puerariae or Radix et rhizoma rhei can be prescribed for patients who have lower pulse energy levels. 4. The Taeyang constitutional prescription Ogapijangcuck-tang is suitable for patients who have higher pulse energy levels and Mihudeungsikjang-tang is better for patients with lower than normal pulse values. As described above, the pulse energy level of each patient can be matched with a specific Sasang constitutional prescription. If this relationship is taken into consideration with other conventional symptoms, it can be helpful in diagnosis, improving efficacy of treatment, and be used as objective evidence.



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