유니버설 패션의 효과와 디자인제안 -장애인 패션쇼를 중심으로 -

The Effect of Universal Fashion and An Offer of Design - With a Focus on Fashion Shows for the Disabled -

  • 이난희 (서울벤처정보대학원대학교 뷰티아트학과) ;
  • 안종숙 (호서대학교 뷰티디자인)
  • Rhee, Nan-Hee (Dept. of Beauty Art, Seoul University of Venture & Information) ;
  • An, Jong-Suk (Dept. of Beauty Design, Hoseo University)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


In this study, the fashion show of the disabled was hold for the universal fashion through the clothes which has relationship with personal mentality and behavior. There are several outcome of the fashion show. First of all, the main outcome is that through the fashion show the disabled fret that there is no difference between them and the ordinary people. Also, it is necessary to the revitalize the product development with universal fashion design. Secondly, the systematic succeeding study is necessary to solve the problem of the disabled and to set up the database management system in order to have a general idea for the their actual living condition and essentials of life for the disabled. Thirdly, even though the main purpose of the fashion show was to give them an opportunity to live fairly as a human being within their society, after the show, the necessity of social system to solve the additional problems and to continue the mental satisfaction comes. Fourthly, the disable have a tendency not to wear the special clothes for them since they want to be seen as the ordinary person. Finally, I suggest that there must be revitalization of a special design and the product development to reflect above mentioned points in addition to ordinary clothes.



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