일본 장애아 보육시설의 시설설치기준에 관한 연구

A Study on the Legal Regulations and Design Guidelines on the Child Care Centers for the Children with Disability in Japan

  • 발행 : 2008.08.25


A study on child care centers has been developed with a focus on normal children. Also the child care centers which take care of children with disability are rare. In Seoul, Korea, only 2% of children with disability are taken care of in child care centers. And even the disabled children at the child care centers are mostly mentally or emotionally disabled because the building, programs and services of the centers are restrictive to the children with severe physical disabilities. In Korea, it is not yet an obligation for child care centers to adopt Disability Accessibility Guidelines to make facilities accessible by the disabled. Also, Korea does not have specific design guidelines or legal standards. This study aims to review the legal standards and design guidelines which are applicable to child care centers for children with disability through a reference review. Japanese legal standards and references were collected and analyzed. As a result, we categorized the guidelines according to contents such as locations, areas, space organizations, nursing spaces, sanitary spaces, and doors and corridors. The goal of this study is to provide the basic information to develop domestic design guidelines to ensure that the child care centers are welcoming and usable for everyone possible.



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