지속가능성의 함의를 고려한 주거지 계획특성 연구

A Study on the Planning Characteristics of Sustainable Housing Area

  • 김묘정 (울산대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.25


The purpose of this study was to provide basic information about the study of model development of sustainable housing area. So, this study identified the concept of sustainable development and condition after investigation Habitat Agenda II, and the 10 items of agenda were used to constitute the case study framework. This study found the development characteristics through the case study of 6 sustainable housing areas in the world(US, UK and Australia), and searched the missing point in the sustainable development concept. The major findings are summarized as follows: First, the attempt of environmental sustainability was restrictive such as minimal environment pollution and waste, water resource protection and conservation of nature ecosystem. Second, in social-culture sustainability, the effort of right to housing, solution of urban squatter and housing welfare eliminated. Third, in economic sustainability, the attempt of prevent natural disaster, technological and industrial disaster excluded.



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