한국과 연변조선족 부모별거 아동의 탄력성과 양육요인 및 사회정서적 적응력간의 관계

The Relations mong Children's Resilience, Child Rearing Factors and Socio-Emotional Adjustment in Korean and Yanbian Korean-Chinese Shildren Separated from Parents

  • 천희영 (고신대학교 아동복지학과) ;
  • 옥경희 (광주대학교 사회복지학부) ;
  • 황혜정 (경기대학교 유아교육학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


The focus of this study was finding out the relations among resilience of children separated from parents, child rearing factors and socio-emotional adjustment in Korean and Yanbian Korean-Chinese regions. Subjects were elementary school $5{\sim}6$ graders separated from their parents(184 in Korea and 81 in Yanbian). Data analysis was by Pearson's r, F-test and t-test. Resilience of Korean-Chinese children was higher than that of Korean children. Caregivers' child rearing behavioral factor than other child rearing factors was significant for children's resilience, and especially for Korean children, caregivers' child rearing psychological factor -efficacy and stress variables- were meaningful. Socio-emotional adjustment was significantly different between resilience high and low groups in both regions. Implications are that regional differences, caregivers' psychological and behavioral child rearing factors should be considered in supporting the development of children's resilience and socio-emotional adjustment.



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