The Relationship between Trust, Trustworthiness, and Repeat Purchase Intentions: A Multidimensional Approach

신뢰대상의 다차원적 접근법에 의한 신뢰와 재구매 의도와의 관계

  • Lee, Soo-Hyung (School of Business Administration, KyungPook National University) ;
  • Park, Mi-Ryong (School of Tourism?Hotel, TaeKyeung College)
  • Published : 2008.03.31


Trust is central to human relationships, at all times and places. The importance of trust is fundamental in all areas of human life, not only in the area of business administration. 2,500 years ago in China, Confucius taught that the foundation of politics was the trust of the people, more important even than military strength or the supply of food. Shakespeare's play, "Much Ado about Nothing' is about trust and deception. These days, trust and transparency in a commercial organization's business culture form the basis of the 'social capital' by which that organization increases its productivity. A successful company raises productivity by the accumulation of social capital, derived from a trust relationship between business partners, and between the company and consumers. Trust is the crucial factor. At the national level, building trust determines a nation's competitiveness. For a company, long term trust relationships with customers are essential for its survival in a business environment of rapid change. Such relationships, based on trust, are important assets to ensure a company's competitive advantage, and need to be organic to that company's business culture. Because of this importance, trust relationships have been studied in diverse areas within business administration, and especially within marketing, where they form the basis of a successful relationship between producer and consumer. However, what has been lacking is a unified definition of trust. Research has been conducted on the basis of various definitions and models. The majority of researchers have not considered the multidimensional character of the concept of trust until now. Approaches based on a one dimensional model have undermined the value of research results. Furthermore, researchers have only considered trust and trustworthiness as a single component. The majority of research has explored the consequences of perceived trust for outcomes such as loyalty or cooperation, but has neglected the effects of trustworthiness upon the mechanisms of consumer trust. This study focuses on the dimension of trust from such a perspective. It seeks to verify the effect of trust on customer intentions by breaking it down into three separate components: 1) the salesperson, 2) the product/service, and 3) the company. The purposes of this paper are as follows: Firstly, we review the multidimensional nature of trust objects: the salesperson, the product/service, and the company. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between multidimensional trust and trustworthiness. Thirdly, we analyze the connection between trust and repeat purchase intentions for the maintenance of long term relationships. For these purposes the author has developed several hypotheses as follows: H1-1: The competence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H1-2: The benevolence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H2-1: The competence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H2-2: The benevolence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H3-1: The reputation of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H3-2: The physical environment of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H4-1: Trust in a salesperson is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-2: Trust in a product/service is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-3: Trust in a company is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. The data was compiled from 366 questionnaires. 500 questionnaires were collected, but some of the data was considered unsuitable and inappropriate. The subjects of the survey were male and female customers purchasing products at department stores in Seoul, Daegu and Gyeongbuk. It was carried out between Oct. 25 and 29, 2007. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS 12.0 and structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.7. The result of the overall model analysis is as follows: Chi-Square=445.497, d.f.=185, p-value=0.0, GFI=.901, RMSEA=.0617, NNFI=.986, NFI=.981, CFI=.989, AGFI=.864, RMR=.0872. The results of the overall model analysis were coherent. It was found that trust is a multi-dimensional construct, that each of the dimensions of trust are meaningful influences on customer's repurchase intention. Trust in a company may be the most relevant, while trust in a product/service and a salesperson may be less relevant to repurchase intentions. The effective factors in determining trust in a salesperson and a company's product/service were found to be competence and benevolence. Factors in determining trust in a company were its reputation and physical environment, and the relationship of each effective trust factor has been verified in this research. As a result, it was found that competence and benevolence have a meaningful influence on trust in a salesperson and in product/service. It was also found that a company's reputation influences the overall trust in the company significantly but a company's physical environment does not have much effect.

신뢰는 인간관계에서 동서고금을 통해 언제나 주목을 받아온 주제였으며, 신뢰의 중요성은 경영학 분야는 물론 인간생활의 모든 분야에서 이미 오랜 전부터 인식되어 왔다. 그러나 대부분의 연구는 주로 개인 간의 신뢰인 종업원에 대한 신뢰에만 집중하는 단일 차원적 관점에서 연구되어 왔다. 본 연구는 이와 같이 지금까지 주로 단일차원으로 연구되어 온 신뢰 대상을 판매원, 제품/서비스, 그리고 기업의 3차원으로 다차원화하여 이들 신뢰 대상이 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 서울, 대구 경북지역의 거주자로 백화점에서 구매 경험이 있는 남녀 고객을 대상으로 수집된 자료를 분석한 결과, 기존 연구들에서 주로 다루어진 판매원신뢰뿐만 아니라 기업신뢰와 제품/서비스신뢰 또한 고객신뢰의 중요한 대상으로 나타나, 신뢰 대상은 다차원적인 구성개념임이 밝혀졌다. 이들 3차원의 신뢰는 모두 재구매 의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 기업신뢰가 판매원신뢰와 제품/서비스신뢰보다 재구매 의도에 더 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 판매원신뢰와 제품/서비스신뢰의 영향요인으로 역량과 선의를, 기업신뢰의 영향요인으로 기업 평판과 물리적 환경을 설정하여 검증한 결과 역량과 선의는 판매원신뢰와 제품/서비스신뢰 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 기업신뢰의 경우, 평판은 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나, 물리적환경은 유의한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다.
