Evaluation of Use Satisfaction for Tohamsan and Namsan National Parks in Kyongju - Focused on Importance-Performance Analysis -

경주 토함산과 남산 국립공원의 이용만족 평가 - 중요도-성취도 분석을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2008.03.01
  • Accepted : 2008.04.23
  • Published : 2008.06.30


Recently the use demand for national parks has been rapidly increased due to the change of leisure patterns in Korea. The intensive use of national parks, however, can cause serious management problems both in resource conservation and in visitor satisfaction. In order to prepare the effective management plan for the sustainable use of national parks, it is essential to evaluate the visitor satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to provide important information for the management strategies for Namsan and Tohamsan national parks in Kyongju. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) was adopted to analyze the visitor expectation and satisfaction. The questionnaire survey was performed to the 420 visitors of the three sites (Namsan Sam-reung, Namsam Yong-jang, and Tohamsan) that are the most popular areas in Kyongju national park. The IPA for the 18 satisfaction items shows that all the values for importance are higher than those for performance in the three sites. This results indicates that visitors' satisfactions for the 18 items are lower than their expectations. The IP matrix reveals that the management effort should be concentrated on the educational opportunities for nature and culture in Yong-jang, on the convenient access to park in Sam-reung. and on the availability of cool drinking water in Tohamsan. Based on the results, several suggestions for the management strategies were summarized for the three sites in conclusion.



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