Valid Assessment for Copper Standard Establishment in Drinking Water

먹는물에서 구리기준 설정 타당성

  • Received : 2008.03.04
  • Accepted : 2008.04.21
  • Published : 2008.04.30


As the NOAFL of copper based on liver toxicity in the human body is set and the TDI of copper is lower, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking water standard of copper according to toxic effects and the TDI of copper in humans. It is difficult to calculate the accurate drinking water standard because of the part of uncertainty for chronic effects of acute human with Wilson's disease and baby in the current studies. In order to improve the drinking water standard of copper considering of liver toxicity, it is desired to set the drinking water standard with concerning of the revising tendency in the foreign countries such as US, EC and WHO.



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