아토피 피부염 아동의 문제행동, 자아 역량 인식, 사회적 능력과 양육 스트레스와의 관계

Behavioral Problem, Self-Perceived Competence, Social Competence, and Parental Stress in Children with Atopic Dermatitis

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Atopic dermatitis is the fastest growing skin disorder among children from infancy to adolescence in Korea. The side-effects of atopic dermatitis not only include physical discomfort, but also psychological trauma which ultimately affects the developmental growth of children. This study was conducted in order to investigate the behavioral characteristics of an atopic dermatitis sufferer. As part of this research, the relative influence of behavioral problems and, self-perceived competence were analyzed in relation to the social competence of an atopic child. In total, 301 atopic and non-atopic children, between 2 and 6 years of age, and their mothers and teachers participated in the study. From this number, 109 children had atopic dermatitis, while 192 children did not. Mothers were asked to complete a parent-report questionnaire that required information on parental stress, according to the scale parenting methodology of Abbdin(1990) and Cho(1999). Teachers were subjected to teacher-report questionnaires which included topics on social competence, socia-emotional assessment and behavioral problems of an atopic child. Furthermore, children also completed questionnaires on self-perceived competence. According to analysis on K-CBCL, ITSEA, social competence, self-perceived competence and parental stress, children with atopic dermatitis showed higher scores in depression/anxiety and depression/withdrawal, compared to children in the normal control group. In relation to parental stress, daily stress, parental role stress, and stress related disease, mothers with atopic dermatitis children exhibited higher scores. In establishing relationships among the related variables, atopic children who demonstrated more social competence were more likely to suffer less from withdrawal, attention problems, and depression/anxiety. Stress related disease in mothers with atopic children was positively related to attention problems of the child. In terms of relative influences, behavioral problems was the most significant variable, accounting for 23% of variance. Lower behavioral problems was positively related to more social competence. In summation, this study investigated the general characteristics of atopic children. In conclusion, atopic children and their mothers had difficulty in dealing with this disease. It is our belief that an atopic child would not only require physical treatment, but also need appropriate psychological care.



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