패션 기업의 인터넷 도입의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

Factors Affecting the Introduction of the Internet by Fashion Companies

  • 이은진 (중앙대학교 의류학과.생활문화산업연구소)
  • Lee, Eun-Jin (Department of Clothing & Textiles, Chung-Ang University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study was to establish which factors were considered when fashion companies discussed the intention of employing the internet in various capacities. A total of 228 candidates were surveyed between 17-11-07 and 17-01-08. The collected data was used to conduct various descriptive and comparative analyses. Firstly, environmental factors considered important were internal pressure, external pressure and uncertainty of the market. Organizational factors considered important were support of the chief executive officer, capacity of the organization and future directivity. Profit factors considered important were elevation of the business, customer relationship management, advantage of the internet and reduction of expenses. Prohibitive factors considered important were miscellaneous expenses, secession of the customer, internal opposition of the organization and convertible expenses. Secondly, fashion companies regarded internal pressure, external pressure, support of the chief executive officer, capacity of the organization, future directivity, elevation of the business, customer relationship management, advantage of the internet and miscellaneous expenses as important when discussing the introduction of the internet.



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