유치원 학부모 자원봉사자의 양육효능감과 교사로서 역할수행에 관한 연구

A Study on Parenting Efficacy and Parenting as a Teacher of the Volunteer in the Kindergarten

  • 이세나 (영동대학교 유아교육과)
  • Lee, Sae-Na (Dept. Early Childhood Education, Youngdong University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The study is to research their parenting efficacy and parenting practices of a parent teacher as a volunteer(PTV) in the kindergarten. The subjects were mothers (N=127) in Choongbuk Province who had had volunteer education as a teacher assistant. The data were collected by their completing a questionnaire about Parenting efficacy and a Parent As A Teacher inventory (PAAT). The results include as follows: firstly, in PTV's parenting efficacy, 'the type of educational institution children are attending' is an important variable. Secondly, 'mother's educational background', 'father's educational background', and 'the type of educational institution children attending' are important variables in volunteer parents' parenting practices. Besides, 'mother's educational background' and 'participation motivation in volunteer activity' are important variables in parenting practices of 'control/permission' and of 'teaching/learning', and in general parenting practices. Finally, 'parenting efficacy', 'mother's educational background', and 'the sex of children' are important variables in volunteer teachers' parenting practices.



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