노즐 분사력에 의해 가진되는 다중 패킷 블레이드계의 과도 진동 해석

Transient Vibration Analysis of a Multi-packet Blade System Excited by Nozzle Jet Forces

  • 임하성 (한양대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 유홍희 (한양대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.20


A modeling method for the modal and the transient vibration analysis of a multi-packet blade system excited by nozzle jet forces is presented in this paper. Blades are idealized as cantilever beams and the elastic structures like disc and shroud connecting blades are modeled as coupling stiffnesses. A modified Campbell diagram is proposed to identify true resonance frequencies of the multi-packet blade system. Different from the SAFE diagram that employs three dimensional space, the modified Campbell diagram Proposed in this study employs a plane to find the true resonance frequencies. To verify the existence of true resonance frequencies, nozzle jet forces are modeled as periodic forces and transient vibration analysis were performed with the modeling method.



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