The Study on the Limiting Factor to Determine Available Soil Depth in Korea

우리나라 토양의 유효토심 결정시 저해인자에 관한 연구

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Rim, Sang-Kyu (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Jung, Sug-Jae (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Sonn, Yeon-Kyu (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Song, Kwan-Cheol (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Noh, Dae-Cheol (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Heob-Seung (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Hyun, Geun-Soo (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Zhang, Yong-Seon (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Hong, Suk-Young (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Park, Chan-Won (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, Lee-Hyun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Chol, Eun-Young (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Jang, Byeong-Chun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2008.08.01
  • Accepted : 2008.10.12
  • Published : 2008.10.30


The limiting factors to determine available soil depth were studied with 390 soil series in soil profile description and physicochemical data in Korean soils. The limiting factors were coarse sandy layer, gravel and skeletal layer, hardpan layer, cat clay layer, poorly drained layer, salt accumulated layer and bed rock layer so on. The soils of having limiting factors were 332 soil series, but soils without limiting factors were 58 soil series. Soils with limiting factors were, hardpan 5, slopeness 93, immature soil 29, cinder 5, sandy 42, gravel or skeletal 47, bedrock 19, high salt content 8, poorly drained soil 22, heavy clay 32, sulfate soil 3 and ash soil 27 etc. And the orders of available soil depth were immature > slopeness > ash > heavy clay > sandy > gravel or skeletal > hardpan > cindery > poorly drained > bedrock > acid sulfate soil > salt accumulated soil etc.

유효토심은 작물의 선택, 시비, 토양관리 등에 중요한 역할을 하므로 우리니라 토양조사 결과 밝혀진 390개 토양통에 관한 토양단면기술과 물리화학성을 가지고 유효토심 결정시 고려해야 할 저해인자들에 대한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 유효토심 결정시 저해인자는 경반, 경사, 미숙, 분석, 사질, 석력, 암반, 염해, 저습, 중점, 특이산성, 화산회 토양과 저해인자가 없는 토양으로 구분하였다. 경반층이 저해인자인 토양통수는 5개, 경사 93, 미숙 29, 분석 5, 사질 42, 석력 47, 암반 19, 염해 8, 저습 22, 중점 32, 특이산성 3, 화산회 27개 토양통이었으 며, 저해인자가 없는 토양은 58개 토양통으로 구분되었다. 저해인자별로 평균 유효토심이 깊은 순서는 미숙 > 경사 > 화산회 > 중점 > 사질 > 석력 > 경반 > 분석 > 저습 > 암반 > 특이산성 > 염해 순인 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 저해인자를 가지고 있는 토양은 토지이용시 적절한 관리를 통하여 저해인자별로 개량함으로써 작물 뿌리를 충실하게 하여 생산성을 높일 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.



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