Variation of Concentration of Air Pollutants with Air Mass Back-Trajectory Analysis in Gyeongju

기단 역궤적분석에 의한 경주시 대기오염물질의 농도 변화

  • Kim, Kyung-Won (Department of Environmental Engineering, Gyeongju University) ;
  • Bang, So-Yung (Meteorological Research Institute) ;
  • Jung, Jong-Hyun (Department of Public Health Administration, Sorabol College)
  • Published : 2008.04.30


Gyeongju, which was the central city of the ancient civilization at Silla Kingdom, has various kinds of stone cultural properties. It is significantly important to preserve historical sources of Korea. However, recent air quality data measured in Gyeongju did not show good air quality level. In order to investigate variation of the concentration of the air pollutants with meteorological condition, an air quality monitoring and an aerosol sampling were conducted during the intensive monitoring period in Gyeongju. Impacts of the meteorological factors on the air pollutants were also analyzed based on the air mass pathway categories using HYSPLIT model and the local wind patterns using MM5 model. The prevailing air mass pathways were classified into four categories as following; category I affected by easterly marine aerosols, category II affected by northwesterly continental aerosols, category III affected by southwesterly continental aerosols, and category IV affected by northerly continental aerosols. The concentrations of the air quality standards were relatively lower during the fall intensive monitoring period. At that time, the easterly marine air mass pattern was dominated. The seasonal average mass concentration of $PM_{10,Opt}$, which optically measured at the monitoring site, was the highest value of $77.6{\pm}28.3\;{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$ during the spring intensive monitoring period but the lowest value of $20.1{\pm}5.3\;{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$ during the fall intensive monitoring period. The concentrations of $SO_2$ and CO were relatively higher when the air mass came from the northwestern continent or the northern continent. The concentrations of ${SO_4}^{2-}$ and ${NO_3}^-$ increased under the northwesterly continental condition. It was estimated that the acidic aerosols were dominated in the atmosphere of Gyeongju when the air mass came from the continental regions.



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