건설폐기물(建設廢棄物)의 리싸이클링 현황(現況)과 연구동향(硏究動向) - 국내자원(國內資源)의 유효이용(有效利用)을 위한 처리(處理) 및 회수기술동향(回收技術動向)(4) -

Recent Status on the Recycling of Construction Waste and Research Trends - The Current Situation of Recycling Technology for Waste Resources in Korea(4) -

  • 발행 : 2008.04.27


우리나라 사업장 폐기물의 51.7%에 해당되는 47,294천톤이 건설폐기물이고, 이 폐기물의 96.7%가 재활용되는 것으로 집계되어 있다. 한편 고품질 순환골재의 생산을 일부기업에서 시도하고 있으나, 천연골재를 대체하기에는 아직 미급한 것 같다. 우리나라의 경우 혼합폐기물의 정의가 애매하여, 혼합폐기물의 선별자원화가 매우 부실하다. 폐목재의 경우 PB(particle board)용으로 수요가 많으나, 현장에서 폐목재의 수집이 쉽지 않다. 2005년 대형국책과제를 수행하는 $\ulcorner$건설폐기물재활용연구단$\lrcorner$이 발족하였다. (사)한국자원리싸이클링 학회지에 게재된 건설폐기물 관련 보문은 주가 폐기물을 이용해서 건설자재로 재활용하는 것에 관한 것이었다.

According to the statistical data of the Ministry of Environment, 47million tons of construction waste were generated, and 96.7% of them was recycled in 2005. However, the recycled products seem to be remained under low quality. Because mixed demolition and construction waste, so called DC Waste, including concrete, brick, plaster, lumber, plastics building materials, paper and some dirt and stone, is very variable and difficult to estimate its exact composition, it is regarded as having little or no value to the construction industry. 'The Research group on recycling of construction waste' was started by the Housing & Urban Research Institute(KNHC), which is sponsored as a large scale national project by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. This research group intends to establish recycling system through planing, processing, developing practical technology, and eventually contribute to save natural resource and to vitalize the industry. In this paper an overview of DC waste management and recycling technology is given in some detail. Particularly, "recycling law of construction waste" and recent research trends on recycling of construction waste are discussed.



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