Dewey가 1873년에 제안한 'Three Genetic Paper'은 '시스템(문헌분류법)의 이점(The Merits of the system)' '도서관 분류법시스템, 즉 구조와 사용법(Library Classification system)' 그리고 '우리 도서관에서의 특별적용(Its Special Adaptation to our Library)'이다. 3개의 기원논문은 전체가 1.800여개의 단어로 구성되어 있는데, 그중 절반이 '시스템(문헌분류법)의 이점'이며, 520개 단어가 '도서관 분류법시스템, 즉 구조와 사용법'이며, 그 다음으로 '우리 도서관에서의 특별적용(Its Special Adaptation to our Library)'에 관한 것이 가장 짧아서, 350개 정도로 정리되었다. 'Three Genetic Papers'의 내용은 1876년에 발행된 DDC초판의 서문을 형성하는데 그대로 반영되어 분류법 이론의 근간이 되었다.
According to Wayne A. Wiegand in the 1998, he research to The "Amherst Method": The Origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Although a debate about the origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme has been going on for generations, historical consensus remains elusive. This paper contributes information to the historiography on the origins of the scheme: 1) by grounding an account of Dewey's thinking as he was crafting the DDC on an analysis of a large body of sources than previous classification historians have consulted; and 2) by expanding and deepening historical understanding of the contextual forces influencing on the classification structure. Because the DDC idea as it first occurred to M. Dewey in Amherst in 1872-73 is an important in the history of library development in the world. He outlined the first draft of his decimal scheme and submitted it to the Amherst College Library Committee on 8 May 1873. This paper analysis to "Three Genetic Paper", that is 1) The Merits of the System, 2) Library Classification System, 3) Its Special Adaption to our Library.