농수산물 유통정책의 위기관리에 따른 커뮤니케이션전략에 관한 연구 - 유통정책 갈등해소에 대한 스캐닝, 모니터링을 중심으로

A Study on the Communication Strategy to Risk Management of Agri-marine Products Distribution Policy

  • 김만기 (서울시농수산물공사 홍보학)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


The present study attempted to explore effective scanning and monitoring in process of risk management on agri-marine products distribution policy. The interest public's group interests clash in accordance with theme for issue on marking policy. For executing a better systematic scanning and monitoring on actual affairs of marketing, selecting information personnel, gathering and analysing information, issue and risk management and their valuation with ongoing and simultaneously. Especially, In order to explore effective scanning and monitoring as a model of risk management, the study attempted to analyze within and without environment of marketing, to analyze issue management strategy, to evaluate issue activity for likelihood and impact, risk cycle analysis, interest public's group concerned, grade of interest public's group threatened(power, legitimacy, willingness), rapport(staying close, credibility, meeting expectation). And the study make an ongoing observation progress of subjects, and the serious subjects need have made an close observation. The study suggested to establish friendly relationship between organization and interest public's group, and to regularly accomplish two-way symmetric communication.
