IT 거버넌스 의사결정 영역에 대한 CEO와 CIO의 지식공유 정도가 정보시스템 효과성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the How IT Governance Decision Making Knowledge Sharing between CEO and CIO Influences the Effectiveness of the Information Systems

  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


This study empirically tested a research model and hypothesis extracted and based on IT governance and knowledge sharing theories. In this study we targeted CIO and IS managers to find the effects of the degree of knowledge sharing between CEO and CIO regarding five areas of IT governance decision-making: IT principles, IT architecture, IT infrastructure, business application needs, and IT investment and prioritization, on IT and business alignment. Additionally we studied the effects of business alignment on the effectiveness of information systems. Results showed that the degree of knowledge sharing in CEO and CIO on IT principles, IT infrastructure, IT investment and prioritization had a positive influence on IT and business alignment, ultimately showing a positive influence on the effectiveness of information systems. This research has shown that fording the preferable relationship between IT and business affected by performing high quality decision making based on knowledge sharing and consequently it also is a basis to provide a positive influence to the effectiveness of the information system.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Influence of IT Governance Implementation Factor on Information Systems Effectiveness and the Moderating Effect of Strategic Alignment vol.20, pp.2, 2011,