직장 남성들의 갱년기 증상 정도와 관련요인

Related Factors and the Symptoms of Menopause in Male Workers

  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


Objective: To find the related factors and the symptoms of menopause in male workers. Method: This Study is targeted on 369 people(40's; 219, 50's; 150) who are married and being 40 years old or more with working for over ten year. Results: First, the symptom of menopause in proportion to age is, 40's appeared in order of 'Decrease in ability to play sport', and 50's appeared in order of 'Less strong erection'. Second, the symptom of menopause was higher from the difference between general characteristic and work characteristic when people have old age. Third, the symptom of menopause was lower from difference among life habits when people do some exercises regularly, and no overeating. Fourth, the symptom of menopause was much lower from the difference of subjective health state when people feel comfort without any disturbance to their daily life, as they feel much younger than their ages, and feel healthy. Fifth, the variables affected to the symptom of menopause were age, do exercise whether or not, subjective health state when people feel much younger than their ages, and feel healthy. Conclusion: the symptom of menopause is not only for women but also for men. And it is not only for people who are old but we could find some abilities from young ages, too.



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