Studies on N-Ethyl-N-nitrosourea Mutagenesis in BALB/c Mice

  • Cho, Kyu-Hyuk (Department of Research & Development, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ;
  • Cho, Jae-Woo (Department of Research & Development, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ;
  • Song, Chang-Woo (Department of Research & Development, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


N-ethyl-N-nitrosoures (ENU) is effective in inducing hypermorphic mutation as well as hypomorphic and antimorphic mutations. Therefore, this mutagen is used to the production of mutant in the mice. In order to perform an effective ENU mutagenesis using BALB/cAnN mice, determination of optimal dosage and dosage regimen of ENU is necessary. And this study tried to develop a suitable screening method and searched for novel and various mutants as model animals in phenotypedriven ENU mutagenesis. We have carried out dosage regimen for mutagenizing dose of 200 mg/kg ENU in the BALB/c mice. Total screened mice were 30,133. As the results of Esaki and Cho's Phenotype Screening, we got 2,516 phenotypic and behavior abnormalities in $G_1,\;G_2\;and\;G_3$ mice. One hundred thirty five $G_1$ phenodeviants were tested for inheritance and 16 dominant mutants were discovered. Forty two recessive mutants were also found in tested 201 micropedigrees. Early-onset mutant mice included the dysmorphology of face, eye, tail, limb, skin, and foot and abnormal behavior like circling, swimming, head tossing, stiff-walking, high cholesterol level, and tremor etc. In this study we could effectively screen $G_3$ recessive mutants. The frequent and concise early-onset screening before weaning will be available for ENU mutagenesis.



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