The reinforcing steel process is composed of the development of placing drawing, cutting and bending, and the placement and fabrication of the reinforcement, and is participated in by reinforcement detailer, the fabricator and placer. Because the reinforcing steel process-from estimating and rebar detailing, to production, material tracking, billing, and general accounting-is conducted by many participant, reinforcement details based on building code and reinforcing bar detailing standards are essential. The process, however, holds some problems. Building code has been revised recently, and the utilization of placing drawings was proved to be low, and the reinforcement estimating in early stage of the process is below what is required for placement. Therefore, in this study, a survey was conducted to the reinforcement detailer, the fabricator and placer of domestic construction industry. According to the analysis of the survey, the reinforcement details on site was not standardized. The improvement in reinforcing steel detailing standards was sought by analyzing the results of the survey including reinforcement constructability.