Design & Manufacturing
- Volume 2 Issue 3
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- Pages.6-9
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- 2008
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- 2800-0323(pISSN)
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- 2733-452X(eISSN)
Injection molding and structure analysis for design of glass insert injection mold
유리인서트 사출금형 설계를 위한 사출성형 및 구조해석
- Moon, Young-Bae (Pukyung national university) ;
- Go, Bo-Sun (Tea sung precision) ;
Jeong, Yeong-Deug
(pukyung national university)
- Received : 2008.02.18
- Accepted : 2008.04.30
- Published : 2008.06.01
This paper describes the process of structure analysis and injection molding analysis to manufacture the forming injection dies for huge glass insert. Factors such as filling time, filling pressure, material temperature, shrinkage, warpage were investigated by using the analysis software, Moldflow. Runner system and cavity structure were designed and manufactured through the results of deformation analysis data for glass insert. Filling time and filling pressure were analyzed in 3.756sec and 43.37MPa.