Soil environmental conditions can affect nutrient availability during growth stage of tree fruit. We investigated the cause of disorderd fruit by the influence of soil chemical properties in orchard soil, composition of mineral nutrient in leaves and fruit to occur physiological disorderd fruit at four locations (Ulsan, Gyeongju, Pyeongtaek, Ansung) compared to healthy. There were significantly different (P=0.05) in exchangeable Ca, K, Mg and total nitrogen content in orchard soil between physiological disordered fruit and healthy fruit. The exchangeable Ca content in orchard soil caused by physiological disordered fruit was statistically lower than that of healthy fruit. However, exchangeable K, Mg and total nitrogen contents were higher than that healthy (P=0.05). There was a significant difference (P=0.05) in Ca content between physiological disordered fruit and healthy. Ca content in fruit flesh of physiological disorderedfruit was statistically lower than that of healthy. The physiological disordered fruit was a higher ratio of Mg/Ca in fruit flesh and peel compared to healthy fruit and also the ratios of N/Ca and K/Ca in a leaf were higher. The negative correlation between Ca and K, and Ca and Mg was detected in the fruit flesh of physiological disordered fruit. Therefore, we concluded that insufficient Ca content in fruit may cause 'the physiological disorder' pomelo disease and high content of N, exchangeable K and Mg ion in the soil solution might be disturbs exchangeable Ca ion to be absorbed in fruit.
과수의 생육기간동안 양분흡수는 과원토양의 환경에 영향을 받는다. 수확기에 신고 배에 Ca 결핍장해과로 보이는 과실의 발생 원인을 조사하기 위하여 과실에 생리장해가 발생한 4개 지역(울산,경주,평택,안성)의 과원 토양의 화학성 및 잎과 과실의 무기성분 함량을 조사하였다. 과실에 생리장해가 발생한 과원 토양의 치환성 Ca 함량은 정상관원에 비해 낮은 반면, 치환성K와 Mg 함량 및 T-N 함량은 높았다(P=0.05). 생리장해 과실의 과육과 과피의 Ca 함량은 건전한 과실에 비해 낮았으며, 과육과 과피의 Mg/Ca 비율은 건전 과실보다 높았다(P=0.05). 잎에 N/Ca 및 K/Ca 비율은 생리장해가 발생한 나무가 건전한 나무의 잎 보다 높았다. 따라서 신고 배의 생리장해는 Ca 함량의 부족에 의해 발생하는 유부과로 판단되며, 이는 토양에 치환성 K와 Mg 이온 및 T-N가 Ca 이온의 흡수에 장해요인으로 작용한 것으로 생각된다.