수도권 대기환경 개선사업-진단과 제언

Critical Evaluation of and Suggestions for a Comprehensive Project Based on the Special Act on Seoul Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement

  • Baek, Sung-Ok (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Koo, Youn-Seo (Department of Environmental Engineering, Anyang University)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


On January 1, 2005, the Korean Ministry of Environment put into operation a comprehensive program, so called 'Blue Sky 21' project, for the improvement of air quality in greater Seoul metropolitan area. This program was legally based on the 'Special Act on Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement' for Greater Seoul area, which was established in 2003, and should be updated every 10 years. The principal objective of this program is to improve the air quality in Seoul and surrounding area by 2014 to the levels of air quality in Tokyo and Paris, with particular emphases on reducing the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and $PM_{10}$. Any regulation of the emission of toxic air pollutants in general, and $NO_2$ and $PM_{10}$ in particular, should be based on human exposure levels and consequential health effects. In this article, the contents and feasibility of the special program were critically evaluated with respect to the reduction of health risks. Important issues for improving not only air quality but public health are discussed, and future requirements for the success of the special program are suggested.



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