Wedged insoles are frequently used to reduce the pains caused by the knee arthritis or the foot overuse syndrome. The present study analyzed the effect of wedged rear-foot insoles on the foot pressure in walking. Three medially wedged insoles with three angles (5, 8 and 15") and three laterally wedged insoles with the same angles were made, and a flat insole were prepared. Ten healthy males in twenties walked in a specified line with each insole. Center of pressure (COP), relative vertical force and maximum force on anatomical areas were analyzed from the measured foot pressure data. At heel contact, medially wedged insoles significantly increased the pressure of the medial foot side (COP moved medially by 2-5 mm and maximum pressure of 1st metatarsal head increased by 110-120% relative to the flat insole), In contrast, laterally wedged insoles significantly increased the lateral side pressure (COP moved laterally by 1-5 mm and the ratio of $2^{nd}$ metatarsal head pressure to $1^{st}$ metatarsal head increased by 0.5-2.0 relative to the flat insole). At toe off, both wedged insoles significantly increased the pressure of the medial foot side (COP moved medially by 0.5-10 mm and the ratio of $1^{st}$ metatarsal head pressure to $5^{th}$ metatarsal head increased by 2.0 relative to the flat insole). Especially, the laterally wedged insoles significantly increased the relative vertical force (6-12%) of the rear-foot more than the flat insole.