A Study on Prediction and Development of Prospective Fisheries-Related Jobs in Korea

우리나라 수산업의 유망직종 예측과 개발에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2007.09.13
  • Accepted : 2007.10.08
  • Published : 2008.04.30


The purpose of this study was to explore new fisheries-related jobs in the future. The study is based on a thorough literature review and in-depth interviews with experts in the fisheries industry. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, new fisheries-related jobs that surpass the fitness rating of 90% and earn more than 3 on the prospect scale are expected to be found mostly in professional fishery sectors. In the production and processing sectors, fishery quality control manager, marine product cooks, and raw fish cooks looked most promising. In the fishery marketing and distribution section, on the other hand, marine tour consultants, marine product distribution consultants, underwater guides, online marine product traders, marine sports consultants, and marine safety specialists ranked high on the list.



Supported by : 해양수산부


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