Effect of the Variable Packet Size on LRD Characteristic of the MMPP Traffic Model

  • 이강원 (서울산업대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 권병천 (대한항공 정보시스템실)
  • Published : 2008.01.31


The effect of the variable packet size on the LRD characteristic of the MMPP traffic model is investigated. When we generate packet traffic for the performance evaluation of IP packet network, MMPP model can be used to generate packet interarrival time. And a random length of packet size from a certain distribution can be assigned to each packet. However, there is a possibility that the variable packet size might change the LRD characteristic of the original MMPP model. In this study, we investigate this possibility. For this purpose the 'refined traffic' is defined, where packet arrival time is generated according to the MMPP model and a random packet length from a specific distribution is assigned to each generated packet. Hurst parameter of the refined traffic is estimated and compared with the original Hurst parameter, which is the input parameter of the MMPP model. We also investigate the effect of the packet size distribution on the queueing performance of the MMPP traffic model and the relationship between the Hurst parameter and queueing performance.



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