생리학적인 하중 조건에서 소 상완골 연골의 기계적 특성

In Situ Mechanical Response of Bovine Humeral Head Articular Cartilage in a Physiological Loading Environment

  • 발행 : 2008.01.01


One of the unresolved questions in articular cartilage biomechanics is the magnitude of the dynamic modulus and tissue compressive strains under physiological loading conditions. The objective of this study was to characterize the dynamic modulus and compressive strain magnitudes of bovine articular cartilage at physiological compressive stress level and loading frequency. Four bovine calf shoulder joints (ages 2-4 months) were loaded in Instron testing system under load control, with a load amplitude up to 800 N and loading frequency of 1 Hz, resulting in peak engineering stress amplitude of ${\sim}5.8\;MPa$. The corresponding peak deformation of the articular layer reached ${\sim}27%$ of its thickness. The effective dynamic modulus determined from the slope of stress versus strain curve was ${\sim}23\;MPa$, and the phase angle difference between the applied stress and measured strain which is equivalent to the area of the hystresis loop in the stress-strain response was ${\sim}8.3^{\circ}$. These results are representative of the functional properties of articular cartilage in a physiological loading environment. This study provides novel experimental findings on the physiological strain magnitudes and dynamic modulus achieved in intact articular layers under cyclical loading conditions.



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