New Design for Linear Complex Precoding over ABBA Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes

  • 란롱 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과 이동통신 연구실) ;
  • 양장훈 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과 이동통신 연구실) ;
  • 안찬호 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과 이동통신 연구실) ;
  • 김동구 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과 이동통신 연구실)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


ABBA codes, a class of quasi-orthognal space-time block codes (QoSTBC) proposed by Tirkkonen and others, allow full rate and a fast maximum likelihood (ML) decoding, but do not have full diversity. In this paper, a linear complex precoder is proposed for ABBA codes to achieve full rate and full diversity. Moreover, the same diversity produce as that of orthogonal space-time block code with linear complex precoder (OSTBC-LCP) is achieved. Meanwhile, the size of the linear complex precoder can be reduced by half without affecting performance, which means the same complexity of decoding as that of the conventional ABBA code is guaranteed.



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