Hop 제약조건이 고려된 최적화 웹정보검색

Optimized Structures with Hop Constraints for Web Information Retrieval

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The explosively growing attractiveness of the Web is commencing significant demands for a structuring analysis on various web objects. The larger the substantial number of web objects are available, the more difficult for the clients(i.e. common web users and web robots) and the servers(i.e. Web search engine) to retrieve what they really want. We have in mind focusing on the structure of web objects by introducing optimization models for more convenient and effective information retrieval. For this purpose, we represent web objects and hyperlinks as a directed graph from which the optimal structures are derived in terms of rooted directed spanning trees and Top-k trees. Computational experiments are executed for synthetic data as well as for real web sites' domains so that the Lagrangian Relaxation approaches have exploited the Top-k trees and Hop constraint resolutions. In the experiments, our methods outperformed the conventional approaches so that the complex web graph can successfully be converted into optimal-structured ones within a reasonable amount of computation time.



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