집단미술치료가 결손가정아동의 정서에 미치는 영향 -우울, 불안, 충동성 중심으로-

Group Art Therapy Program of Low-income Broken; Effects, on Depression, Anxiety and Impulsivity

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This is to study the effects of the program of group art therapeuties for the low-income bracket children's melancholy and uneasiness. The experimental group is 19 children at their option of all 38 children in P child center at J city, Jeonbuk. The program has been going on after-school hours program at the facilities at 16times from May. 4 to August. 17, 2007. I have made the before-medium-after examination the COD, RCMAS and K-MFF through Repeated Measures ANOVA. The result is as follows, The melancholy of experimental group in comparison with that of control group is reduced by control group 0.42 and experimental group 2.67. And in lower rank group, the melancholy of experimental group for control group is dropped in the same way. In uneasiness, by the decrease of control group 0.10, experimental group 0.33, the uneasiness of experimental group for that of control group is decreased. In all drive, the drive of experimental group for that of control group is decreased by control group 0.12 and experimental group 0.33. And similarly, in all lower field, the drive of experimental group is reduced for that of control group. It is through our help to learn the proper way that they express their experience before the group members, listen to another person's story with attention, recognize their own and other's emotion, and are aware of feeling and action.



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